Mea Culpa!

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Hi Guys!!Welcome to my world of literary expressions. A bit about me first - I am a researcher by profession, an observer by design and an author by choice. I have various interests of which I find human behavior the most interesting.There are many things (small and big) that I come across as a result of meeting and speaking to various people. I call them, the 'flavor of life'. This blog is my way of penning down my experiences with life, on a variety of subjects. This blog is in no way meant to be a great literary piece...This is just a vent to my observations and experiences. Happy Reading!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I dont know what it takes!!!

I dont know what it takes to get something that you badly need....Some say its hard work , yet there are others who say it is sheer luck and then there is the third breed that says, a combination of both....well, whatever it is, i seems to be eluding me at the moment...I have almost become paranoid, a cynic.....Some say, optimism and hope are the basis of life...but there must be a limit till which you can be optimistic....what beyond that......and I certainly seem to be approaching that very fast......

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