Mea Culpa!

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Hi Guys!!Welcome to my world of literary expressions. A bit about me first - I am a researcher by profession, an observer by design and an author by choice. I have various interests of which I find human behavior the most interesting.There are many things (small and big) that I come across as a result of meeting and speaking to various people. I call them, the 'flavor of life'. This blog is my way of penning down my experiences with life, on a variety of subjects. This blog is in no way meant to be a great literary piece...This is just a vent to my observations and experiences. Happy Reading!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

standing at the crossroads, our paths cross,
crossroads of expectations, duty and honour,
I, swinging like a pendulum,
come to a screeching halt.....
what is it that stings me???
Ah!finally reality bites.....
I open my eyes to a grotesque morning,
the angry sun blinding me,
It hits my gut, I run out of breath....
am I or am I not,
am I real or am I an illusion??
May be, I see things the way I thought they would be...
Again, reality bites...
I will come back,,,,surely...
but till then....
why not enjoy a few moments of pain.

I dont know what it takes!!!

I dont know what it takes to get something that you badly need....Some say its hard work , yet there are others who say it is sheer luck and then there is the third breed that says, a combination of both....well, whatever it is, i seems to be eluding me at the moment...I have almost become paranoid, a cynic.....Some say, optimism and hope are the basis of life...but there must be a limit till which you can be optimistic....what beyond that......and I certainly seem to be approaching that very fast......

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's been a hard day's night!!!!

The Beatles say and I quote, "It's been a hard day's night and I've been workin like a dog, It's been a hard day's night and I should be sleepin like a log". True enough. When I sat down to write this post, it was precisely 6.32 AM. I kept tossing and turning in my bed for about an hour and when I finally decided that I will no be able to sleep like a log, that I decided to go ahead and write this. The purpose of this post....well nothing really....One of the many things that I do in the day to kill time...By now you guys must be thinking that I am either very rich ,who has gotten himself huge property rights from his ancestors, or is unemployed....Gee, you are right...I am indeed an unemployed MBA!!! Coming back to the log of my activities yesterday, well, I played cricket (a physical activity leading to loss of energy), did not tke a siesta, watched The Bucket List for the umpeenth time, lost count of how many flights of stairs that i ascended and descended upon, read Bernard Shaw's 'Prefaces' (which can be pretty taxing in itself!)....Yet I am awake with eyes wide shut at 6.30 in the morning trying to make sense of what I am writing here.......For the time being I will satisfy myself with the explanation that may be I am preparing myself for the countless sleepless nights that I might encounter, provided, I manage to ger myself a job....till that time....probably will continue to do all of the above and still try hard to get myself some sleep......finally...GOOD MORNING to myself!!!!!!!