This is one question that has been bugging me ever since I have come across these two terms and actually studied them, which would be pretty much my MBA days.
I will start with formally defining the two terms:
Business 2Business(B2B) Marketing: as in intra-organisational communication, collaboration, and commerce - normally electronic, normally using websites and/or web services (source:wikipedia)
Business 2 Consumers Marketing (B2C) : Business that sells products or provides services to end-user consumers ( source:
Now, my doubt/confusion is that are businessess, not customers? Dont business houses buy things. I will answer this question later. ...Here again I think and believe that all marketing is B2C marketing, albeit the 'C' stands for something slightly different.
As I said, all marketing, according to me, is B2C marketing or 'Business to Client' marketing. Now, many would argue the difference between a consumer/ customer and a client and why does it make the term B2B marketing redundant.
The word 'Customer' , to me, signifies a one time buyer. It does not imply relationship of any kind. A person who makes a one time purchase would be a customer. On the other hand the word 'Client' implies a consumer with whom the seller has a relationship and a scenario where the consumer stays with the seller for a certain length of time. To put it simply, 'repeat purchase'!!!
Brand Loyalty/ Repeat Purchase is the ultimate nirvana for Brand Managers...Then why should it be any different for FMCG/FMCDs. The aim is to transform the 'customer' to a 'client', be it any kind of sales/marketing activities, B2B or B2C.
For Example, take a medicine shop. I have been visiting my local medicine shop for 10-15 years. The shop owner, knows me by my first name and knows my parents by their first name as well. He also acts as my local physician at times when I have a cold etc. By the text book definition, this is a typical B2C scenario. So, what am I to the medicine shopwallah. Am I a client or a customer??
Similarly, in my current professional capacity, I sell HR solutions to corporates. Their have been cases when my organization has helped companies define their HR policies as well. I address my clients on first name basis and at times even share a drink with them. So , are they my 'clients' or are they merely businessess. We all know one thing that businesses dont buy and businesses dont sell. It is we human beings who buy and sell.
This is my justification in favor of my argument that there is no separate thing such as B2C or B2B Marketing. To me, every marketing effort is B2C Marketing,i.e. 'Business 2 Client' Marketing.
Mea Culpa!
- Pratik
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Hi Guys!!Welcome to my world of literary expressions. A bit about me first - I am a researcher by profession, an observer by design and an author by choice. I have various interests of which I find human behavior the most interesting.There are many things (small and big) that I come across as a result of meeting and speaking to various people. I call them, the 'flavor of life'. This blog is my way of penning down my experiences with life, on a variety of subjects. This blog is in no way meant to be a great literary piece...This is just a vent to my observations and experiences. Happy Reading!!
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